Werewolf Cupcakes


I have mentioned before that our babysitter has three wonderful daughters of her own, two of whom happen to be HUGE fans of the Twilight books, movies, etc.  (And now they have turned me into one too!  If you haven’t read the books, you should.)  For Cassie’s birthday in January I made the uber-popular vampire cupcakes.  For Caitlin, I knew another Twilight-themed treat was the exactly what she would want.  Unfortunately I had a hard time thinking of what I could do other than the vampire cupcakes, until I realized the answer was right in front of me!  Another fabulous idea from my Hello, Cupcake! cookbook.  Werewolf cupcakes – PERFECT!!!  And, they really were.  


Honestly, I was quite nervous to make these because I didn’t know if they would turn out as cute as the ones in the book, but they really did!  I was so thrilled with the way they turned out and I hope the birthday girl enjoyed them as much as I expect she did 🙂  They were a bit time consuming (obviously), but totally worth the effort.  Happy birthday, Caitlin!!!

Werewolf Cupcakes
Supplies needed:
12 chocolate cupcakes (I used Hershey’s Perfectly Chocolate cupcakes)
red fruit leather
chocolate frosting
M&Ms (green, yellow, orange, red and purple are great for the scary eyes)
black jelly beans
vanilla frosting

werewolves-3Delicious chocolate cupcakes are always a good start.

werewolves-4Cut two triangular-shaped wedges off of each marshmallow…

werewolves-5until you have 12 little pairs of ears.  (Don’t worry if they don’t look perfectly neat, they will be covered with frosting.)

werewolves-6Cut a large wedge out of the center of 12 more marshmallows to create the mouth shape.

werewolves-7Cut small lengths of red fruit leather and press them over the “mouth” area.  They will stick easily to the gummy inside of the marshmallow.

werewolves-8Using clean kitchen scissors, trim the fruit leather to fit the mouth shape of the marshmallow.

werewolves-91Pipe a few blobs of chocolate frosting onto each cupcake and attach the ears and mouth.


werewolves-101Don’t they look like little cows at this point?  🙂


werewolves-111Using a pastry bag fitted with a “V” tip filled with chocolate frosting…


werewolves-121cover the ears, and pipe a circle of “fur” around the outside edge of the cupcake.


werewolves-13Continue piping fur from the outside edge in towards the center, and up the snout until completely covered.


werewolves-14Finish up by placing M&Ms on top for the eyes and a black jelly bean for the nose.  Using a pastry bag fitted with a small round tip and filled with vanilla frosting, pipe teeth around the edges of the mouth.  Grrrr!

58 Responses

  1. These look fabulous!

  2. Cutest. Cupcakes. Ever.

  3. Annie, these are adorable!!!

  4. That’s awesome!!! Go Jacob! 🙂

    • Haha, Cathy! Actually, I’m very firmly on Team Edward so I wasn’t thrilled about these cupcakes, but I knew the birthday girl would love them so I sucked it up and made them anyway. LOL.

  5. These are the cutest little guys! Ok, maybe not ‘cute’ but so awesome!, great job!

  6. How freaking cute are these?!?!? They look amazing!

  7. Wow, amazing! Those look perfect! You must have a lot of patience 🙂

  8. These are so awesome!

  9. These are so awesome! So creative, and I love the step by step photography!

  10. Wow – I’m completely impressed! They’re so cute!

    Love your blog!

  11. So, so cute. I love it!

  12. These are so cute! Go Team Jacob! 😉

  13. Annie-

    Amazingly cute!!! You have such talent! You should open a cupcake making business on the “side”….of your medical career. 😉 HAHA. You have so much energy! How you balance a new baby, work, friends, and all your blogging and baking is very impressive! Hope all is well.

  14. Your cupcakes turned out just great and are perfect for the Twilight series! (Though I’m totally an Edward girl. LOL)
    Thee look awesome. Great job!

  15. holy crap Annie!! these are amazing!!!!

  16. These look fantastic!!

    By the way…I made your cheesecake brownies over the weekend…and they were fabulous! I absolutely love your blog!

  17. yup, those are werewolfs

  18. Those look great! I love that book.

  19. Hi Annie! I am French and I have been reading your blog for a while now! I love it! 🙂
    I am also a huge Twilight fan, and even if I’m on team Edward too, this time I can’t help saying “Go Team Jacob”! Your werewolf cupcakes are sooo awesome!!! Great job!

  20. How CUTE are those? This is too funny, I had a friend pick up “Hello Cupcake” for me over the weekend! I love the “Shark Attack” cupcakes, as well as the “Spaghetti Dinner” cupcakes.

    The whole book is awesome! Great job!

  21. These are sooo cute, and such a brilliant idea! 😀

  22. Oh those are just too cute!!!

  23. Those are so cool!! DAMN impressive!! Love the step by step photos too.

  24. Those are the best cupcakes EVER! My boys would love those… thanks for sharing the step-by-step instructions as well.

  25. My husband loves that twilight series too – he’d get a kick out of your cupcakes! They are just too cute. I envy your patience and talent 🙂

  26. These are just amazing! My four boys aren’t Twilight fans (obviously), but I think they would love them anyway. They’d be great for Halloween!

  27. Cool cupcakes!!

  28. Very creative. They look just like werewolves!

  29. The angry face of these wolfs don’t scare me! I’d love to have one.

  30. OMG those are amazing! Great job! : )

  31. These are awesome! I love the cupcake book. I’m going to have to get one and be adventurous!

  32. Amazing cupcakes!!

  33. Fantastic job!

    Twilight, liked the movie, loved the book(s)!

  34. GORGEOUS! I tried these and they were a MESS! http://sporkandfoon.typepad.com/spork_or_a_foon/2008/10/twd-dragons-and-the-female-anatomy.html

    I’m going to have to refer to your site the next time!

  35. So stinking cute! It looks like you put a lot of work into them. Great job.

  36. Seriously, how adorable are those?!? Excellent job Annie. I am sure the birthday girl loved them.

  37. You’re so talented Annie! These look great….good job!

  38. OMG! So Cute I Love Them My Birthdays coming up May the 16th and I’m going to have to make some of these… They are so adorable… Hey but I might try and make White werewolfs also.

    Wish me Luck!

  39. […] will then want to follow the directions here for a really fun-looking werewolf halloween cupcake.  You know, on second thought, don’t […]

  40. I really dislike Twilight, but I really like these cupcakes. This may be my next time consuming culinary treat. Thanks for sharing!

  41. cause this is thrilleeeeeeeeeeeeeer, thrilleeeeeeeer night 😀

    ps: great recipe!

  42. […] Halloween drawing near, I can’t think of a better way to indulge your sweeth tooth! Check out Annie’s Eats for the recipe.   Flickr FavouritesLatest Updates11.10.: […]

  43. Very Cute.. =)

  44. I also have the Hello Cupcake book and I’m so happy to see that you’re cupcakes turned out just like the pictures in the book! It’s a great book with wonderful step-by-step instructions. My cupcakes always turn out just like in the book too! Love the Blog!

  45. What did you use to cut the wedge to make the marshmallow mouth? I tried a regular knife and scissors it’s not coming out. It’s getting quite messy. Any tips?

    • Hi Jess,
      It’s been so long, I can’t remember now. I’m pretty sure I just used a small paring knife. You will likely need to clean it off several times during the cutting process since marshmallows are so sticky. Good luck!

  46. I saw these a week or so ago, and as I love baking I knew I had to try these. I must say, you have more patience than me, I got very very stick with the marshmallows, and I gave up after I completed 10 lol! I might add that yours look so much better then mine, I used chocolate buttercream for the fur so mine were light coloured, but still tasted good 😀

  47. Saw these and fell in LOVE with them! Since New Moon just came out I am making these tonight for Thanksgiving tomorrow to share with my cousins who love Twilight as well! Great job! Crossing my fingers they turn out as cute as these! 🙂

  48. I googled butterfly cupcakes and found your website and low and behold your butterflies inspired me to make my daughters first bday cupcakes. And now I must make these amazing cupcakes for my ladies night out for twilight!

  49. this is perfect! i am always hosting movie parties at my house and i decided to have one for the premiere of Eclipse 🙂 im using both the wolf and vampire cupcakes you posted and i have to say, i have read the Hello Cupcake book and its SOOOO adorable!!!! thanks so much!

  50. you have the cutest website, great ideas. Very talented!!

  51. OMG these are amazing. TEAM JACOB RULES. im going to make these right now:)

  52. simply gorgeous. What a talent.

  53. I saw these cupcakes in the Hello Cupcake book. So cute. Never thought about using them for a Twilight Night..lol. I have to admit I am a JACOB FAN myself.. 🙂

  54. wow! these are amazing. i admit i would never put that much work into cupcakes, i am just not a decorating person, but they are so cool!

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