Oreo Cupcakes


Those who have been reading my blog for a while know that I have quite a thing for cupcakes.  I don’t know exactly what it is about them – the fact that they are personalized desserts, that there are endless flavor combinations possible, that they can be made to look irresistably adorable, and also, they just make me SO happy.  Whatever the reason, I LOVE CUPCAKES!!!  Sometimes I just get a major urge to bake cupcakes.  Last week, that urge perfectly coincided with the fact that I had a lot of leftover buttermilk to use up and a whole package of Oreos in my pantry.  I whipped up these cute little confections and sent them off to work with Ben, as well as some to our babysitter.  I heard they were much enjoyed by all.  I think the airy whipped cream topping nicely countered the dense chocolate cake, and the Oreo flavor was just perfect.


The site where I got my inspiration used the whipped cream frosting for both topping and filling the cupcakes.  I thought that sounded great, and I gave it a try.  I’ve made filled cupcakes a few times before with no problems at all, but in this situation it did not work so easily.  The cake is fairly dense and the filling is incredibly light – this combination was not optimal for simply sticking the pastry bag into the cupcake and squeezing in some filling.  The cake didn’t budge, and would not make room for the filling.  I ended up just scrapping the idea of filling them, and simply frosted the tops.  However, I think these would be wonderful with the filling if you have more time than me.  If you opt to go that route I would recommend using the cone method (and be sure to double the amount of frosting so that you have enough for the insides!)

Oreo Cupcakes
Yield: 24 cupcakes


For the cake:
2 1/3 cups all-purpose flour
1 cup unsweetened cocoa powder, sifted
1 1/2 tsp. baking powder
1/2 tsp. baking soda
1/2 tsp. salt
12 tbsp. unsalted butter, at room temperature
2 cups firmly packed light brown sugar
2 tsp. vanilla extract
4 eggs
1 1/2 cups buttermilk, at room temperature

For the frosting:
1 3/4 cups plus 2 tbsp. whipping cream
3 tbsp. powdered sugar
1/2 tsp. vanilla extract
6 tbsp. Oreo cookie crumbs

For garnish:
24 Oreo cookie halves

To make the cupcakes, preheat the oven to 350 degrees F.  Line two cupcake pans with paper liners.

In a medium bowl, sift together the flour, cocoa powder, baking powder, baking soda and salt; set aside.  In the bowl of an electric mixer, beat the butter on medium speed until smooth.  Gradually add the brown sugar and continue beating until fluffy, scraping down the sides of the bowl as needed.  Beat in the vanilla.  Add the eggs one at a time, beating well after each addition.

With the mixer on low speed, add the flour mixture in three additions, alternating with the buttermilk, beginning and ending with the flour mixture.   Mix just until all the dry ingredients have been incorporated, being careful not to overmix.

Divide the batter between the prepared cupcake liners.  Bake until a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean, about 18-20 minutes.  Transfer the cupcakes to a wire rack and let cool to room temperature.

To prepare the frosting, in the clean bowl of an electric mixer fitted with the whisk attachment, combine the whipping cream, powdered sugar, and vanilla extract.  Beat on medium-high speed until the whipped cream holds stiff peaks.  Gently fold in the cookie crumbs with a spatula.

Scoop the mixture into a pastry bag and pipe frosting decoratively on top of the cupcakes.  Garnish with Oreo cookie halves.

Source: adapted from Dinner with Danielle

84 Responses

  1. These look fantastic! If I make them, I might also skip filling the cupcakes… I have to admit that I’ve never made filled cupcakes. For some reason, they intimidate me!

  2. Those cupcakes are adorable! There’s definitely something special about having your own little cake.

  3. They look so delicious esp with the oreo cookies on top.

  4. oooh my… these look sooo delish!
    I love that you make it all homemade, and not from a cake mix! although, i made cookies w/ a cake mix and it was the easiest thing ever!
    there is just something so special about it being truly “homemade”.

    • I just started making homemade cupcakes last week after having a Sprinkles Brown Sugar Cupcake with Caramel Frosting that i have not been able to get out of my head since i devoured it! Just baked today by adapting their peanut butter recipe that i found online. My daughter found this blog while searching for an oreo cupcake recipe for her 14th birthday in a few days. I did not even know what a blog is let alone how to do it, however i do love to bake and cook…it’s never to late to learn something new! This site is as much fun as bringing home a brand new cookbook to peruse with a cup of tea and a blanket. We will be trying that recipe for her party, thank you!

  5. These look amazingly delicious …. Laila http://limeandlemon.wordpress.com/

  6. those are just adorable! anything with oreos looks good to me!!

  7. These look so cute and delicious! I love Oreos 🙂

  8. These look just incredible!

  9. These are my favorite cupcakes ever. I made them a year ago, and my friend is always asking me to make them again. Yours look fantastic!

  10. One of my New Year resolutions is to conquer cupcakes. I know that sounds mad, such a simple thing, but I just don’t have a way with them at all. I think I will be visiting your blog a lot, now that I have found it 🙂

  11. Those look amazing! HOLY MOLY!

  12. they look so pretty! 🙂

  13. That frosting looks amazing! Oreos are probably one of my favorite cookies so these cupcakes are going to have to be made in my kitchen-ASAP!

  14. Yum, these look great! I’ve made Oreo cupcakes before that have a little bit of cream cheese and part of an Oreo in the center…plus the Oreo frosting on top. Delish!

  15. These sounds really yummy! Cookies and cream is one of my favorite ice creams, and the frosting here reminds me of that. 🙂

  16. I just about licked my computer moniter. Those look incredible. The frosting looks so nice; mine never turn out that nice. I should practice on a bunch of these!

  17. These look delicious and I don’t make cupcakes enough… you’re inspiring me to though!

  18. these look so good! And not just pretty picture good, they look delicious good!

  19. Those look incredible. Oreo’s are one of my two favorite cookies.

  20. These look absolutely delicious! I have all the ingredients right now. Might be able to whip it up! Thanks.

  21. oh my now they look SO good! how do u get the cream on top to look so neat!? years of cupcake making practise? lol

  22. These sound delicious and they look so beautiful!

  23. The frosting never got thick enough– is there something missing? 3 tbsp of powdered sugar doesn’t seem nearly enough. I was so dissapointed- had to throw it all out. 😦

  24. AS,
    I tried emailing you a response but your email address is not working for me.

    I’m so sorry to hear that! No, 3 tbsp. of powdered sugar should be perfectly fine. It is essentially just whipped cream, and the powdered sugar is just for sweetness, not for thickening purposes. It does take a while for the cream to become whipped cream, but it will get there if you wait long enough. Were you using a whisk attachment, or just a
    regular mixer? I find that it whips up much better with the whisk. Hopefully you get it worked out!
    🙂 Annie

  25. OK girl…you baked with the one cookie I can’t deny! I love, love, love Oreos! The kids will love you for this one. Thanks! :o)

  26. These look really good!!! I love cupcakes also and will have to try this recipe sometime real soon!

  27. Annie these look great. I made oreo pudding pie which the kids love so I looking for more oreo desserts to make for the long Dr King weekend.

    If u ever get the urge to bake again & do email me. Ill gladly pay the shipping bc these cupcakes looks soooooo tasty!

  28. Those came out so beautifully!

  29. […] Just yesterday there were two blogs in the Blogs of the Day that talk about Oreo Cookies.  One has vanished… her recipe must not have been as good.  Here is the other: Oreo Cupcakes […]

  30. This look absolutely delicious!! anyone who is a fan of oreos would go crazy over these! They are definitely on my “to bake” list 🙂

  31. Wow, the pictures alone convince me to make these. Lovely!!

  32. I might have to start calling you the cupcake queen. These look amazing. I bet my husband would love them.

  33. […] baking for the winner to share with their office-mates.  This week I tried a recipe that Annie at Annie’s Eats had made a few weeks […]

  34. OMG – those look sinful and delicious!

  35. Hi Annie! First off, I absolutely LOVE your blog. I’ve made a bunch of your recipes, and whenever you put up a new one, I get excited to try it! I’ve made my own frosting before, but I was inspired by these cupcakes to actually try piping the frosting – and it was a lot easier then I thought it would be. I overbaked the cupcakes a little (oops…) but other than that, they came out wonderfully. Thanks!!

  36. I made these tonight!! They are delicious, the only thing that wouldve made them better was like you said, piping frosting inside of the cupcakes as well!

  37. Thank you Annie! My son wanted something “Oreo” to take to school for his birthday treat so I did a search and found your recipe. Thanks to your clear directions, we were able to make these together and found it oh so simple. I was afraid of having the cupcakes not turn out as beautiful as yours, since I seem to have the knack for having something go wrong. My son had his heart set on at least trying to fill the cupcakes so you can see why I was so intimidated and reluctant after reading your comments regarding your experience with the filling, especially considering that I had never attempted this before. But we gave it a try using the Easy Accent Decorator from Pampered Chef and it worked wonderfully! Needless to say, the cupcakes were an absolute hit!

  38. hi annie,

    i decided to do this recipe for my assignment and i was wondering if its ok if i dont add the unsweetened cocoa powder ?

    • Hi Zyra,
      No, you really need the unsweetened cocoa powder – it is the only chocolate flavor in the cupcake, so if you skip it, you will be left with some sort of vanilla cupcake. Not only that, but it accounts for 1 cup of the dry ingredients. If you leave that out entirely, the batter will be too thin and the cake will not be the correct consistency.
      🙂 Annie

  39. Thankyou 🙂
    and ..what type of ‘tip’ (for the piping bag) did you use to decorate the cupcake?

    • Hi Zyra,
      I just use a large star tip for piping – don’t know the exact number or name of it.
      🙂 Annie

  40. Hi Annie,
    I live in Sydney, Australia and i find your cupcakes absolutely adorable! I love the idea of having Oreos on cupcakes and was just wondering if ‘powdered sugar’ is just the same as ‘icing sugar’.

    • Hi Jenny!
      Thanks for the comment. I’m so glad you like the cupcakes! Yes, powdered sugar and icing sugar are the same thing (as is confectioners’ sugar). So many names for the same thing! Hope that helps.
      🙂 Annie

  41. Hi Annie,
    I was just wondering if you used a measuring cup or a measuring jug to measure the whipping cream?

    • Hi Jenny,
      I’m not sure what you mean by a measuring jug, but any method of measuring by volume is fine for measuring the whipping cream. I suppose a liquid measuring cup (with spout) would be ideal, but a regular measuring cup is fine too. They both have the same result.
      🙂 Annie

  42. […] Rezept, wir reden von Zucker- und Fett-Exzessen!) findet sich auf -zig US-Webseiten (zum Beispiel hier), aber ich habe es bequemerweise von Kerstin übernommen, die mir damit die Übersetzungsarbeit […]

  43. […] 4, 2009 by bellasbistro I just happened to be browsing Annie’s Eats when I asked my Husband what he wanted for his birthday dessert.  He looked over my shoulder, […]

  44. Do they need to be refrigerated (due to the cream in the icing)? Will they keep if made the night before or should I ice them the morning of?

    • Hello Mickey,
      I store anything with cream frosting/filling in the refrigerator. You can definitely decorate the night before, but if you are going to use the Oreo garnish, add those at the last minute. They become less crispy if they are on the frosting for long (doesn’t bother me personally, but some people seem not to like that). Enjoy!
      🙂 Annie

  45. The frosting is beautiful! I’m looking forward to trying to make vegan oreo (well, newman-o) cupcakes.

  46. Hey Annie! I made this for an office baby shower and they were a big hit! I also made some for my husband to take to the fire house his next shift. Mine weren’t as pretty as yours, but turned out pretty well for my first attempt at cupcakes from scratch. Thank you for sharing! Christina

  47. wow do they taste nice?? well of course they will!! xx

  48. Hi Anne! I love love love your blog! I made these cupcakes today for my twins who turn TWO! I ended up with 24 regular size cupcakes and about 15 minis! My cookies didn’t cut quite as nicely as yours look but I have to say these are soooo YUMMY! I’m reading some of the other comments about the whipping cream – you may want to mention to put to bowl (and mixer attachment) in the freezer prior to starting (10 minutes) or so, that way they are nice and cold and help the whipping cream set!

  49. Dear Annie,

    This is the first time I make cupcakes with your recipe. I am SO fascinated by the Oreo cupcakes, I thought it was a very happening idea! However, when I tried to make frosting, by using thickened cream (as I can’t find whipping cream in the market) and beating it with icing sugar (powdered sugar) and vanilla essence, sooner or later when the combination hit a creamy form, it started to separate and became fat and milk! I really really want to try making frosting by myself. Please tell me what to do! Thank you so much Annie!


    • Hi Claire,
      What exactly is thickened cream? I’m assuming it is equivalent to heavy cream, which is essentially the same as whipping cream. It sounds like you just beat your frosting too long. Once you have stiff peaks, you need to stop beating, otherwise you overbeat and end up with butter (as happened to you). As soon as I get close to medium peaks, I slow the mixer down until I reach stiff peaks and then stop. Hope that helps!
      🙂 Annie

      • Dear Annie,

        Yes I suppose thickened cream (Australian term) is the heavy cream. It says ‘suitable for whipping’ so I used it. I used hand beater with very few choices of beating speed. The cream was first in liquid form, then it became very creamy and ‘gluey’ form but wasn’t a stiff peak (the liquid still dropped when I overturned the spoon), hence I over-beat it. Do you suggest that I continue with hand beating when it turns gluey or is there another type of frosting I can make that will hold its shape on the cupcakes? Thanks thanks Annie!


      • Hi Claire,
        I consider the best test for a stiff peak to be what happens when the beater is lifted from the bowl. If there is a peak that forms where the beater is removed, and it does not “ooze” back into the rest of the mixture at all, I consider it a stiff peak. I just Googled it to find an image – maybe this page will help you. I think whipped cream is still fairly fluffy, and may not adhere to the beaters the way egg whites might, but how well it holds its form is a better measure. Hope that helps!
        🙂 Annie

  50. Dear Annie,

    Thank you so much! That is a useful piece of information. I will definitely try to do it again, but this time not over-whipping it. Have a nice day!


  51. these were the hit of my daughters birthday party!!!! sweet, moist, pretty, delicious!!! thanks for the receipe!!!

  52. Hello there,
    I tried the recipe & I LOVED it, its a keeper :p I will definitly do it again & again & again xD
    Thank u ❤

  53. What is the cone method? I would love to try bake this cupcake but with filling. It looks yummy. And I love cup cakes too.

    • Basically cut out a cone of cake, add filling, replace a top portion of cake if you wish. You can Google for more info.

  54. I love your recipes…they all look great.
    I’m not a huge baker, at all…
    Thanks for sharing..

  55. Hi Annie,
    I want to make these a night ahead for a friend’s party and was wondering if your whipped cream frosting weeps by morning or does it keep ok for a day?

    Previously with some of the desserts I have made it tends not to stay that stiff by the morning – so I was wondering if I need to be adding something else in there?


    • Hi Mandy,
      I have found that if I frost the cupcakes right after the cream is whipped and store them, the whipped cream does fine. If it does weep at all, I’ve never seen it, but it may just keep the cupcake moist. I only notice the weeping if I leave the whipped cream in the bowl after whipping. If always stays the consistency I made it once frosted on the cake/cupcake. Hope that helps!

  56. I just made these cupcakes tonight….the only minor change that I made was I mixed in a few chopped Oreo cookies into the cupcake batter(the idea came from your cookies and cream cupcake recipe). I can’t wait to try one! I’m bringing the cupcakes to a youth function and this was the flavor of cupcake they voted for. Thanks for all your great recipes you post. 🙂

  57. What can i use instead of butter milk? I think you should try a tiered cupcake. I think I’m going to use both oreo cupcakes for mine. If you have any helpful ideas please let me know.

  58. My stomach can’t handle light cream or whipped cream. Would cream cheese frosting with oreos crumbled in work just as well?

    • It’s only 2 tbsp. of cream and the purpose of it is simply to lighten up what is otherwise a basic cream cheese frosting. You can just leave it out.

  59. Hi Annie, I stumbled upon your website on pure accident (lucky me).. I just saw these cupcakes and ❤ fell in love ❤ 🙂 I realized that I had all the ingredients for the cupcakes and literally just got done baking them…they are the easiest cupcakes I have ever made… My 7 year old son wanted to thank you for them! They are totally delish!!

  60. oh my god they look so yummy 1 cant wait to bake some myself!! and oreo cookies are the best cookies ever!

  61. Hi! I tried this recipe last night, and they were pretty good! I wasn’t as satisfied with the cake part though..it was soo moist and pretty looking, but it lacked some chocolate flavor..and they didn’t come out as dark as yours. I’m terrified of overmixing though (hehe), so maybe that was the problem. The frosting though was amazing!!!!!!! My favorite part! I just about ate it out of the bowl:-) Thank you!

  62. This turned out delicious! I cooked my cupcakes for 18 mins. but probably should have done 16. The icing was especially tasty.

  63. Oh my goodness – I LOVE these cupcakes! I spent hours last night looking for a good oreo cupcake recipe and finally decided on yours, and I’m SO glad I did! They were INCREDIBLE!!!!! I did make one change – I added a 5 oz. package of Oreo Cookies n’ Cream pudding mix (Cook and Serve) and a little extra buttermilk and they turned out beautifully! Thanks for the recipe!

  64. These look heavenly… I have to make them!

  65. Oh My Godness me.
    I want I want I want!

  66. Hey!
    These are probably the most tasty looking cupcakes I have ever seen! Waow, you bust be one amazing cook.
    This blog is also great :3 Your principe is simple, and the outcome is awesome! I’ll copy your cupcake recipe right away and make’m 😀
    Hope thats okay for you.

  67. hey annie! im new to your blog and i found so many great recipes but decided to try the cookies and cream cupcakes first. the cream cheese frosting didnt work out much for me, so i was wondering if you think the frosting on these oreo cupcakes would work well with the cookies and cream cupcakes?

  68. for the cupcake…could i substitute in coconut milk for the buttermilk…or would the difference in the thickness of the liquid be a problem??

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